1st Battalion
The 1st Battalion is based in Windsor and consists of 502 officers and soldiers.

The primary role of the Coldstream Guards is as light role infantry, capable of deploying anywhere in the world at short notice to conduct any task. Conventional warfare, counter-insurgency, peace support, Military Aid to the Civil Authority (MACA) and 'hearts & minds' civil aid tasks are all part of the Regiment's demanding daily regime.

Guardsman Lubin conducting a tactical river crossing during Exercise RED STRIPE 22
The battalion is generally divided into a Battalion Headquarters element commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel, three rifle companies; each commanded by a Major, a Fire Support Company equipped with mortars, Javelin missiles and heavy machine guns, and a Headquarters Company element responsible for the logistic supply to the fighting companies.
There is also a Signals platoon, a Drums platoon and sniper sections, and the battalion is equipped with the Foxhound Light role utility vehicle.